SNL#32: Wait this person doesn't exist?

SNL#32: Wait this person doesn't exist?


We discuss Stacker News top posts, Car & Keyan favorite posts of the week, top stackers and so much more for the week of September 9th, 2022.
Join Car and Keyan discuss Stacker News top posts, Car & Keyan favorite posts of the week and top stackers.

We discuss:
Dillion created a Dalle-2 image generator powered by Lightning.
- Max Webster, founder of Hivemind Ventures and rapper, proposes How to Disrupt Google.
- Email, a nearly singular example of a working and widely adopted decentralized messaging protocol, has for common uses become rather centralized. As chronicled in After self-hosting my email for 23 years I gave up. The oligopoly has won.
- Block 752868 was mined by a solo miner, earning 6.35 bitcoin in subsidy + fees.
- Anigma is a telegram clone built on nostr, the glowing and youthful decentralized messaging protocol.
- Bitcoin Lightning on WordPress with the Alby Plugin

and why Keyan was impressed with Anigma. For the week of September 9th, 2022.

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