SNL#33: The ending of a Scooby Doo episode

SNL#33: The ending of a Scooby Doo episode


We discuss Stacker News top posts, Car & Keyan favorite posts of the week, top stackers and so much more for the week of September 16th, 2022.
Join Car and Keyan discuss Stacker News top posts, Car & Keyan favorite posts of the week and top stackers.

We discuss:
SpiralBTC is a public block explorer that gives you the privacy of a self-hosted node. 
Tony Giorgio, Lightning developer and researcher, did an AMA.
- Need to send a fax in 2022? Don't have a time machine? Try Bitcoin Fax which allows you to fax a PDF for sats.
Steve Lee, lead of Spiral, did an AMA. 

and why Keyan thinks humans are fascinating. For the week of September 16th, 2022.

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